Why do dishwashers need to add salt?

Why do dishwashers need to add salt?
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Why do dishwashers need to add SALT?

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Dishwashers help make dishes, plates or other items clean and shiny after each wash. But it will be difficult to achieve that effect if you only rely on regular water washing. Besides clean water, you need to add salt and detergent. But the second thing is an extremely important factor that people often forget. So has your dishwasher been supplemented with salt? And why do dishwashers need salt?

You will no longer feel alone, or have difficulty searching for answers. But it can also be difficult to find clear, specific answers online. Luckily, your search has come to an end. In this article, we will find out exactly why we need to add salt to the dishwasher and what effect salt has in it!

Why do dishwashers need to add SALT?

At first it sounds a bit strange and strange to many people here, the reason is because not everyone needs to do that. Add salt to the dishwasher to soften the water.

"Hard water" is water that contains minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, etc. Minerals occur naturally and are not harmful to humans, but they can have direct negative effects. Next comes the dishwasher. Hard water makes it difficult for dishwasher detergent to dissolve. This results in unfinished cleaning! During operation, hard water creates hard deposits called Limescale, and these deposits can accumulate in the dishwasher. This leads to inefficient operation, increased energy consumption and limits the lifespan of the dishwasher. Furthermore, limescale can damage mechanical parts and cause interference with moving parts. Limescale will stick and form water stains on items due to the evaporation of water. Adding salt to your dishwasher helps soften the water, reduce this build-up and keep your dishes free of streaks and water spots.

If your water is hard, you will need to soften the water before using it in the dishwasher. Hard water is full of lime, which can damage dishes. Adding salt to the dishwasher helps soften the water!

Whether or not to use salt for your dishwasher will depend on the hardness of the water supply. This will depend on where you live and the water source you use. However, if your water source has high hardness, you will need to soften the water. Hard water can actually cause direct harm to dishes if left unchecked!

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Can you use regular salt to put in the dishwasher?

Absolutely not.

This is not like putting table salt in the dishwasher to save money. You need to use the correct type of dishwasher salt to do that. Table salt has been finely ground, and can easily clog the salt compartment!

How can I add salt to the dishwasher?

This is quite simple, very easy to do properly. Each type of dishwasher is designed with a salt replenishment drawer in a convenient location. All you need to do is open the drawer and put the amount you want inside, slowly, don't let the salt fall out. The amount of salt will be calculated and distributed slowly during the machine's operation.

The amount of salt used will depend on the hardness of the water source in your area. Check your device's instructions for use, and also the salt product you use to get the best results

If you don't use dishwasher salt, you're putting your dishwasher at great risk. Hard water can lead to limescale build up in your dishwasher pipes!

Leaving salt out of your dishwasher can lead to dangerous limescale buildup. These can very easily clog your pipes if not kept in check long enough!

inside máy rửa bát hoạt động khi có muối

Should I use 3-in-1 tablets for dishwashers?

This depends on your family's water source. Because the water source in each place will be different, using a common product for everyone will not be the best choice for your family.

In areas where the water source is low in minerals, adding more salt than necessary in a fixed amount over a long period of time will easily cause salt deposits, instead of the previous lime scale build-up.

In areas with many hard water sources, adding salt according to the quantity available in the cleaning product will not be enough and will not achieve the necessary results.

How often do we need to add salt to the dishwasher?

How often you add salt to your dishwasher will depend on the hardness of your water. Harder water will require the addition of salt to soften it. Regardless, we recommend adding salt to your dishwasher at least once every 3 months. This will protect your dishwasher and keep it in good working order.

For each dishwasher device, combined with the water hardness factor will determine the level of salt dissolution setting. Always read the user manual of your home appliance carefully!